
With regards to investor/relations/fact sheet

Although Shielder Capital has prepared and placed information on this website with greatest care, Shielder Capital accepts no responsibility or liability for any damages or losses arising from an inaccuracy of information posted on the website and/or from downloading data therefrom.

The prospective statements on the website are based on information currently available and involve risks, uncertainties, and other factors, including economic and industrial trends, market demand, exchange rates, and tax and other conditions. Therefore, these factors may cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the prospective statements.

The contents of this website may not carry all information disclosed by Shielder Capital through other channels, or may be expressed or worded differently from the disclosed information. The contents are subject to change or deletion without prior notice.

This website is intended to provide financial and management information on Shielder Capital and is not intended to solicit investments. 
